Reverend Rufus Pratt, was born in Sauquoit, New York, on April 23, 1798, and died in Dorset, Vermont on January. 26, 1888. He was a man of marked individuality and of rare attainments.
Pratt, a true lover of learning, was self-educated. He was persistent and successful in his quest for knowledge which began in his youth and continuing to the last year of his life. He taught winter schools in Paris, New Hartford and Kirkland, and was an enthusiast in Sunday School.
Reverend Pratt derived great good from the preaching and writings of Reverend Charles G. Finney, and was in full sympathy with the revival spirit of the day. Pratt was in close touch with noted philanthropists and reformers of Central New York. He provided effective cooperation with the efforts of Beriah Green, William Goodell, Alvan Stewart and Gerrit Smith.
Pratt was with Gerrit Smith at the Utica Convention for the organization of the New York State Anti-Slavery Society. The meeting was broken up by a mob and retreated to Peterboro by invitation of Mr. Smith.
As a man and a minister, Reverend Pratt was in hearty sympathy with all honest, earnest Christian men, black or white. The Southern fugitive was welcomed and protected in his home, and a sincere servant of Jesus gladly fellowshipped in his pulpit at the Communion table.